NEWS 05 NOV 2021
Hyseas III at COP26

Decarbonizing shipping in line with the Paris agreement: What will it take?

Monday 8 November 2021 10:00 - 11:30am GMT

The Nordic Pavilion
Hall 4, Pavilion 45
Blue Zone

To decarbonize by 2050, the maritime sector must be well underway by 2030, with a share of 5% sustainable fuels and 200 deep sea vessels running on sustainable fuels. This event will discuss the main challenges including supply of green fuels at scale and enabling policy- and regulatory measures. An overview of the Hyseas project will be presented by Martin Smith, University of St. Andrews during this session.

This event is jointly hosted by Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon ShippingUniversity of St. Andrews and Global Maritime Forum.

More details on the speakers, discussion topics and panel here.

Join us from anywhere in the world as this event will be broadcast live via this link.

The final step to Zero emissions marine transport powered entirely from renewables